Video Interviews for Upcoming Women of True Grit Vignettes

Tonya Holly, Dr. J.Patrick Daugherty, and Edie Hand
Edie Hand is working on the new season of Women of True Grit Vignettes for WAFF at NBC Huntsville. She was recently in Northern Alabama working on a few episodes.
One of the interviews was with Amy Thompson of Holos Hope whose mission is to provide hope and healing to women survivors who have lived through human trafficking, prostitution, and addiction, and empower them to find their purpose and live in freedom.
Edie’s next stop was at Cyprss Moon Studios (formerly the Muscle Shoals Sound Studios). Edie interviewed Producer, Director, and Writer Tonya Suzanne Holly.
Cypress Moon Studios is a unique, historical, one of a kind location. Some of the greatest artists of all time have walked the halls and recorded there. Bob Dylan, George Michael, Julian Lennon, The Oak Ridge Boys, Alabama, Dire Straits, Joe Cocker, Joan Baez, Melissa Ethridge, Jimmy Buffet and so many others. Hundreds of voices and hundreds of musicians have shared their talents in the studios since 1978.
Watch for more information on the debut of these Vignettes over the coming months.